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In-Kiln Moisture Measurement System



AccuDry® is an in-Kiln wood moisture measurement system, manufactured in North America by MMRI, Inc. (U.S. and International patents), that measures the dielectric properties of wood to precisely determine wood moisture content during the drying process.  With its patented technology, AccuDry® has served wood kiln operators throughout North America, Europe, and Asia for the past 15 years, with over 1,500 meters installed worldwide and in use..  See AccuDry®system details....




       Guaranteed Productivity Increase!!!

Guaranteed R.O.I. - we are so confident of the AccuDry® value to the lumber industry, and to your business that we guarantee AccuDry® will produce efficiencies significant enough to provide a complete return on investment within 12 months of your typical kiln production usage, or we’ll refund the difference!  Accudry® customers have increased productivity as much as 50% by eliminating the guess work, with the AccuDry® moisture measurement system.

  • Eliminate Over-drying - Dry to a desired moisture content

  • Eliminate manual MC checks - open the kiln only when the wood is completely dried

  • Reliable Accuracy - repeatable results with less than 0.8% variance from actual MC

  • Kiln Zone Visibility - AccuDry® measures per wood stack providing kiln zone visibility


       Contact Us Today:



                  *Replace Outdated Meters*

  • Buy Back Program - If you already have a moisture measurement system but would like to purchase AccuDry® then ask about our Buy Back Program which offers kiln operators a way to recoup some previous costs.  We will buy your old measurement system and replace it with our state of the art AccuDry® moisture measurement system!


AccuDry® Integration Engineering continues to produce new designs and product improvements to meet industry demands, such as meter integration with kiln control systems. Strategic partners like the professionals at       E.L. Automation, Inc., an Authorized AccuDry® Installer (specializing in VFD / PLC installations and controls), are providing innovative solutions for integrating wood fiber saturation point measurement with kiln control systems for even greater efficiency.  See for a full description of their system engineering services.              



AccuDry® - the Moisture Content Technology Leader in the soft and hardwood industry.  Saw Mill operators depend on AccuDry® the industry leader in kiln moisture measurement technology.   AccuDry® provides precision measurements of wood moisture content to optimize kiln productions and increase profitability - a good feature during the current economic times! 


***International Resellers*** 

We are seeking international sales agents to resell AccuDry® products and services.  This great opportunity offers Geographic Exclusivity and unlimited pricing flexibility.  < contact for program details >


Miscellaneous Notes:

International customers:  If you located outside of the U.S./Canada region there may be an established regional sales agent in your country.  International sales will be processed by local sales agents to minimize travel and installation costs for our customers.  Payment terms are subject to change, and will be determined by the authorized regional sales agent.

Return Shipments: UPS shipments to MMRI are prohibited - please do not return any goods to us using UPS.  Please use FedEx, DHL, USPS or contact us for shipper information..

Payment TermsUS & Canadian Customer purchase orders welcomed.  Down payments may be required prior to shipment.  No payment due at time of ordering (select "other" method of payment on order form). We will invoice you after your order is processed. 


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                                                                                                       Quality Dried Lumber

1994 - 2010 MMRI, Inc.  All rights reserved.  US Patenet#6703847, AccuDry®, AccuDried™